Osteopathy is a manual therapy consisting of finding the cause of pain. The origin of pain isn’t always located where it hurts! In osteopathy the body is considered as being one whole, one entity: all parts are interconnected.
✔ Back aches: lumbago, hernia, blockage, muscle stiffness, ...
✔ Neck aches: hernia, whiplash, torticollis, blockage, trapezius syndrome, ...
✔ Headaches, migraine, ...
✔ Digestion problems: acid reflux, spastic colon, constipation, ...
✔ Articulations: pain, stiffness, TMJ issues, frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis’ or golfers’ellbow, tendinitis, pelvic instability
✔ Radiation in arms or legs
✔ Respiratoral issues, hyperventilation
✔ Gynaecological problems, chronical bladder infections, ...
✔ Nose/ear/throat: sinusitis, ear infections, mucus, tinnitus, ...
✔ Post traumatic complaints: after an accident or surgery: scars, coccyx problems, ...
✔ Sleep disturbances, tiredness, ...
✔ Prevention of sports injuries, muscular cramps