You are reading this page because you have a pain, injury or another physical issue you need to have eliminated or reduced, so welcome to our specialist care and treatment at Oporto Osteopathy Center!
Release, Relax, Unwind
What is Cranial Osteopathy?
Much like structural osteopathy, cranial osteopathy encourages the release of stresses and tensions, allowing the body to engage its own natural ability to heal itself.
The name, cranial osteopathy, does imply treatments are based around the head, though it must be stressed that cranial therapy can be used to treat the whole body.
Cranial osteopathy, also known as cranio-sacral therapy is probably the gentlest hands - on treatment you can experience.
Cranial osteopathy works with the body’s natural rhythms and is non-invasive. It is based on the theory that every cell in a healthy body expresses a rhythmical movement that is fundamental for life.All the structures in the body, from the fluids to the bones and organs, follow their own particular pattern of movement. For example the largest moving fluid in the body, the cerebrospinal fluid, acts as protection for the brain and spinal cord, as well as supplying nutrients to, and draining waste products from it.
The effectiveness of these functions rely on steady pump and compression action from the fluid. If this flow is inhibited in one part of the skull it will most likely be reflected further down the spinal column (or vice a versa) as pain or discomfort.
What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is used by people of all ages who suffer from pain, tackling complaints ranging from sports and work-related injuries to arthritis, sciatica and migraine.
The osteopath's role is to alleviate pain and improve the patient's function and mobility.
Osteopathy recognizes that much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from abnormalities in our body's structure and function.
Osteopaths diagnose and treat problems with muscles, ligaments, nerves and joints to help the body's natural healing ability.
Your osteopaths treatment involves gentle, manual techniques - easing pain, reducing swelling and improving mobility. Often, osteopathy involves manipulation, which can result in an audible 'crack' which is simply the sound of gas bubbles popping within the fluid of the joints.
Osteopathy does not involve the use of drugs or surgery but searches complete health the natural way in our Oporto Osteopathy Center.
Osteopathy and the treatment of pain:
Osteopaths can diagnose the cause of pain and help to ease your pain by reducing tissue inflammation. The osteopaths treatment methods range from massage of muscles and connective tissues to manipulation and stretching of joints. This helps to reduce muscle spasm, to increase mobility and to create a healthier state in which damaged tissues can heal. Much long-term, recurrent pain can be caused by degenerative changes to the body's framework.
Nobody can reverse this process of ageing, but your osteopaths treatment may still ease pain by improving the function of your structure. Pain control is an important part of our treatment in the Oporto Osteopathy Center and our osteopaths give guidance on simple self-help methods to use at home. The skilled techniques of osteopathy can often allow you a speedy return to normal activity. If you have had a pain for a long time, and other forms of treatment have not helped, osteopathic treatment could be the answer for you.
What is Therapeutic massage?
The main purpose of Therapeutic massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. Massage helps flush the tissues of harmful deposits such as lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes – improving recovery time from muscular strain. Therapeutic massage also stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable, and stimulates the skin and sooth the nervous system at the same time.
What are the benefits of Therapeutic massage?
Therapeutic massage not only feels exceptionally good, but is relaxing and invigorating. It affects the nerves, muscles, glands, circulation, and promotes our general health and wellbeing. As a treatment it helps reduce stress, both emotional and physical, and is often suggested in a program for stress management.The treatment is very sensitive to pressure and takes into account the delicate or tender areas of your body, so it should be comfortable and soothing.
Manual lymphatic drainage is a slow relaxing treatment where the fingers and hands move in gentle light-touch subtle movements activating the lymph and interstitial fluid circulation. The complete body can be treated and this is excellent for fluid retention and relaxation as the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Specific areas of the body can also be drained according to the condition being treated.
All manual lymph drainage techniques have specific similarities in that the fingers and hands move the skin in rhythmic movements encouraging the lymphatic vessels to contract in a more organized way. Repetitive light movements are used and these are adjusted according to the type of tissue being worked.
MLD can be of great benefit for lymphodemas caused by surgery where lymph nodes or lymph vessels have been removed for example during the removal of carcinomas.
During the healing stages after various cosmetic surgery such as abdominoplasty, liposuction MLD can increase the healing rate of the area and thus increase the speed with which the client can resume a normal life. Find your health practicionar in our Oporto Osteopathy Center.

My —

Osteopathy is a manual therapy consisting of finding the cause of pain. The origin of pain isn’t always located where it hurts! In osteopathy the body is considered as being one whole, one entity: all parts are interconnected.
The osteopath considers three different systems:
➀ The musculoskeletal system:
This is our mobility system, consisting of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and articulations. When a blockage or loss of mobility occurs, we feel it straight away: for instance when blocked in the back, certain movements are difficult and/or painful.
➁ The visceral system:
This system consists of our viscerals and their membranes, the blood vessels, the lymph vessels and the nerves. If a visceral has a lack of mobility, it doesn’t function well. This mobility loss can also influence the musculoskeletal system. That’s the reason why a healthy nutrition is extremely important!
➂ The craniosacral system:
This system is situated between the skull and the sacrum. It consists of the skull, the spine, the cerebral fluid, the cerebral membranes, as well as the central nervous system. The skull is made of a twenty bones, meticulously joined by sutures. In babies and children the skull is still very flexible. Thus, by working on the craniosacral system, good results are being achieved and we positively influence the development of the child. The mobility of this system is an indicator of the health of the patient.
The osteopath is looking for a lack of mobility in these three systems. Using manipulations (if necessary), mobilisations and stretching techniques he makes the body recover its natural mobility and therefore restores its optimal function.
Fundamental Concepts
Classical osteopathy is a system of healing which was formulated over a hundred years ago by AT Still and then further interpreted by JM Littlejohn. It encompasses the Hippocratic concept of Vis Medicatrix Naturae, ‘the healing power of nature’, where the body is seen not as a machine, but as a vital living organism with a normal tendency towards self-healing, elimination and health. The development of disease depends on any factors which lowers the vital force or the vitalising processes of the patient and compromises the organism’s ability to recover. It follows therefore that the osteopathic lesion is not a bony lesion, but a physiological one and that any disease or disturbance must be addressed through physiological processes.
This approach of health promotion is directly in contrast to orthodox medicine, which delivers a more linear/ pathogenic approach to treatment of disease and its symptoms via the use of pharmaceuticals. In osteopathy, health is not merely viewed as an absence of disease, but as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. The osteopathic therapeutic concern is therefore to adjust the body’s capacity to deal with environmental stressors, whether these be on a mento-emotional, physical or biochemical level.
This process was termed simply as ‘Adjustment’ by JM Littlejohn and implies perfect structural adjustment, including bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels etc. , perfect neurological adjustment and adjustment of the individual to their environment by considering factors such as diet, hydration level, sanitation, social interactions, stress levels, sleep pattern and so on.